We provide a systematic review and meta‐analysis on the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of cannabinoids in palliative medicine. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLIN
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review Current status of biobased and biodegradable food packaging materials: Impact on food quality and effect of innovative processing technologies
Background National Health Systems managers have been subject in recent years to considerable pressure to increase concentration and allow mergers. This pressure has been justified by a belief that larger hospitals lead to lower average costs and better clinical outcomes through the exploitation of economies of scale. In this context, the opportunity to measure scale efficiency is crucial to Delirium is an acute disorder of attention and cognition in elderly people (ie, those aged 65 years or older) that is common, serious, costly, under-recognised, and often fatal. A formal cognitive assessment and history of acute onset of symptoms are necessary for diagnosis. In view of the complex multifactorial causes of delirium, multicomponent non-pharmacological risk factor approaches are serbleking dreier seg am. En oversiktsartikel med henvisning til egen kasus-scrie beskriver laserbleking meget positivt", mens de to andre er avvemende5•6• Jeg leler i refcranselistene for !I.
1 Upper Airway Research Laboratory, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium and a research position at Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden. 2 Division of ENT, Department of CLINTEC Karolinska Institute, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Sweden 20/3 och 27/3 Stina Stenhagen, Academicum kl. 08.15 21/3 Nordenskjöld, GVC kl. 09.00. Forskarsnabben är en serie korta presentationer anordnade av Biomedicinska biblioteket.
Dental24 - Ledande nyhets- och kunskapsportal inom svensk tandvård enligt professionen.*. Dental24 läses av flera tusen dentalt intresserade varje månad.. Dental24 erbjuder yrkesverksamma inom dentalbranschen en samlad plats för nyheter, kunskap, aktuella Idag publicerar forskare på Karolinska Institutet en artikel om databasen LISA: ”Longitudinell integrationsdatabas för sjukförsäkrings- och arbetsmarknadsstudier” och dess användning inom medicinsk forskning.
Pyogenic liver abscess (PLA) is a rare disease. Although once uniformly fatal, advances in imaging modalities and antimicrobial therapy have led to significant improvements in outcomes.
Refluksforeningen. January 22, 2019 · Denne … This page was last edited on 24 February 2020, at 18:58.
Ny översiktsartikel om Dymista® (flutikason/azelastin, MP29-02) av Prof. Claus Bachert & Prof. Lars-Olaf Cardell.
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Oversiktsartikkel Hovedbudskap Behandlingsresultatene ved torako-abdominale aortaaneurismer er blitt bedre de siste årene Flere pasienter kan tilbys kirurgisk behandling Behandlingen er ressurskrevende og forutsetter et godt multidisiplinært samarbeid Samtlige behandlingsmetoder åpen kirurgi, hybridoperasjoner og stent-
In view of the complex multifactorial causes of delirium, multicomponent non-pharmacological risk factor approaches are serbleking dreier seg am. En oversiktsartikel med henvisning til egen kasus-scrie beskriver laserbleking meget positivt", mens de to andre er avvemende5•6• Jeg leler i refcranselistene for !I. finne flerc data, og konstaterer at det har vrert> gjort la boratorieforsok, men ingen kliniske studier. En kontroUert lao There are several grey zones in the borderline area between preserved and reduced ejection fraction, as illustrated by the term “heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction” for patients with an ejection fraction between 40 % and 50 % (). METHOD.
PMID: 20621654 (bra översiktsartikel om anti-Ku); Gunawardena H, Betteridge ZE, McHugh NJ. Myositis-specific autoantibodies: their clinical and pathogenic
Yet noneconomists may not realize that the disagreements are mostly over the details—the way in which the big picture is to be focused on the small … Participation in E/PAS can have a significant emotional impact on participating clinicians. For some doctors, participation can contrast with perception of professional roles, responsibilities, and personal expectations. Despite the importance of this issue to medical practice, this is a largely neg … Da vi valgte tema til prosjektoppgaven vår var hensikten å lage en oversiktsartikkel om en aktuell problemstilling og et relevant tema som ikke dekkes i undervisningen i masterutdannelsen i Odontologi.
Forskning utgår i regel alltid från tidigare forskning, Vår metod.